
Hajrudin Podbićanin, Assistant Minister

 Address: 9 Musala Street,

Sarajevo 71000,

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: + 387 33 226 586 

Fax: + 387 33 552 512
e-mail: hajrudin.podbicanin@mvteo.gov.ba


  • Customs policy operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Customs tariff operations;
  • Bilateral and multilateral agreements on customs cooperation;
  • Rules of origin of products related to preferential treatment;
  • Certification of specifications for exemption from customs duties, for reconstruction projects, in cases where this Ministry is competent;
  • Research, analysis and planning of customs-tariff policy measures;
  • Free zones




Department for customs policy and free zones

Milenko Pandurević, Head of Department

Phone: + 387 33 262 166
Fax: + 387 33 552 512
e-mail: milenko.pandurevic@mvteo.gov.ba


Department for customs tariff


Žana Miličević, Head of Department

Phone: + 387 33  215 001
Fax: + 387 33 552 512
e-mail: zana.milicevic@mvteo.gov.ba

Department for monitoring the implementation of customs regulations


Nada Šupić, Head of Department

Phone: + 387 33 262 176
Fax: + 387 33 552 512
e-mail: nada.supic@mvteo.gov.ba


Department for research, analysis and planning of customs and tariff policy measures


Željka Kovač, Head of Department

Phone: + 387 33 408 960 
Fax: + 387 33 552 512
e-mail: zeljka.kovac@mvteo.gov.ba